What is Dry Needling?
Dry needling is one of the most effective way of treatment of pain of muscular origin. In Dry Needling (Dry= without medicine) a solid, thin needle is inserted to the chosen site to achieve resolution of the condition and/or analgesia.
Physiotherapists all over the developed world practice dry needling. Pain specialists (Anaesthetists) also perform dry needling. In India only a handful people know the science and art of dry needling. So learn it and stay ahead!
Is it same with acupuncture?
The literary meaning of “acupuncture” is piercing with needle (Latin acus=needle). Yet modern dry needling is completely different from acupuncture of Traditional Chinese Medicine, whose theories have limited physiological basis.
Scientific background of dry needling.
Superficial Dry Needling stimulates the A delta nerve fibers. This in turn activates enkephalinergic, serotonergic and nor-adrenergic inhibitory systems. Together they produce a very effective analgesia.
Additionally, deep dry needling works by mechanically disrupting the contracted knots of trigger points. LTR produced normalize the chemical environment of active Trigger point and diminish endplate noise associated with them.
Physiological basis of dry needling
Procedures of dry needling
Superficial & Deep Dry Needling
Choice of needle
Insertion skills
Clean field techniques
Indications, Contraindications
special considerations
Pain Referral pattern of muscles
Surface anatomy of target muscles and relevant relations: how to needle safely
Percutaneous nerve stimulation
Legal Issues of needling in India
· Needling of all commonly involved muscles and fascial structures.
· Percutaneous Electrical Nerve stimulation
Wish to learn more about needling?
To get a complete overview of Dry Needling checkout the links below:
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